
travis central


Akiwrapper is a fully-documented and easy-to-use Java API wrapper for Akinator.



Put this: into your pom.xml (replace LATEST_VERSION with central:


You can find an example POM here.


It's really easy to get started with Akiwrapper. First off, we'll need to create a new Akinator API session:

Akiwrapper aw = new AkiwrapperBuilder().build();

Now, it's time to retrieve Akinator's first question:

Question q = aw.getCurrentQuestion();

Let's answer it with "YES":


This will also return the next question

After repeating this process for some time (with different answers, of course), the probability of Akinator's guesses will rise to the point where it's almost certain (usually 85% is enough). You can check if there are any guesses with that probability & retrieve them with

for (Guess guess : aw.getGuessesAboveProbability(0.85 /* you can specify your threshold between 0 and 1 */)) {
    // Do something with those guesses

There is a high chance Akinator will get at least one guess one but let's imagine the user has rejected all guesses. In this case, Akinator will run out of questions after a certain amount of answered questions. We need to watch out for this:

if (aw.answerCurrentQuestion(someAnswer) == null || aw.getCurrentQuestion() == null) {
    // Watch out! Akinator has ran out of questions! 
    // In this case,
    // - Akiwrapper#answerCurrentQuestion() will not throw an exception but rather return null no matter what
    // - Akiwrapper#getCurrentQuestion() will also keep returning null

If this happens, the best way to handle it is to let user see all guesses (no matter their probability) with iterating over aw.getGuesses() and asking user if this is their character on each. If they reject them all, make them feel good by telling them that they have finally defeated Akinator.

That's it! If you need more help, be sure to check an example here for an out-of-the-box working example.