#ifndef CSPACEMONGER_H #define CSPACEMONGER_H #ifndef __AFXWIN_H__ #error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH #endif #include "resource.h" // main symbols #include "MainFrm.h" // Main window enum { TIP_PATH = 1, // Display full path in tooltip TIP_NAME = 2, // Display filename in tooltip TIP_ICON = 4, // Display suitable icon in tooltip TIP_DATE = 8, // Display file date in tooltip TIP_SIZE = 16, // Display file size in tooltip TIP_ATTRIB = 32, // Display file attributes in tooltip }; struct CCurrentSettings { int density; // Density of filenames int file_color; // Displayed color of files int folder_color; // Displayed color of folders BOOL auto_rescan; // Auto-rescan when a file is deleted BOOL animated_zoom; // Use animated zoom in/out BOOL disable_delete; // Disallow the deletion of files BOOL rollover_box; // Show rollover box int bias; // Display bias, from -20 (vert) to +20 (horz) BOOL save_pos; // Save this window's position? RECT rect; // Pluralized window rectangle int showcmd; // Current show-command BOOL show_name_tips; // Show tooltips? int nametip_delay; // Tip delay, in milliseconds BOOL show_info_tips; // Show tooltips? int infotip_flags; // Tooltip flags int infotip_delay; // Tip delay, in milliseconds char lang[4]; // Language, by two-letter code void Reset(void); // Reset to default values void Load(void); // Retrieve current settings from Registry void Save(void); // Save current settings to Registry }; class CSpaceMonger : public CWinApp { public: CSpaceMonger(); ~CSpaceMonger(); //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CSpaceMonger) virtual BOOL InitInstance(); virtual int ExitInstance(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL //{{AFX_MSG(CSpaceMonger) afx_msg void OnAbout(); afx_msg void OnAppExit(void); afx_msg void OnFileOpen(void); afx_msg void OnFileRefresh(void); afx_msg void OnFileRun(void); afx_msg void OnFileDelete(void); afx_msg void OnZoomFull(void); afx_msg void OnZoomIn(void); afx_msg void OnZoomOut(void); afx_msg void OnShowFree(void); afx_msg void OnSettings(void); afx_msg void OnFileProperties(void); afx_msg void OnIgnoreUpdate(CCmdUI *ui); //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() public: CFrameWnd *m_mainframe; CFreeDoc *m_document; CFreeView *m_view; HBITMAP m_scan_animation[4]; CCurrentSettings m_settings; }; void GeneralIgnoreUpdate(CCmdUI *ui); extern CSpaceMonger theApp; #endif