def fetch_trending(trending_type, region, locale) region ||= "US" region = region.upcase plid = nil case trending_type.try &.downcase when "music" params = "4gINGgt5dG1hX2NoYXJ0cw%3D%3D" when "gaming" params = "4gIcGhpnYW1pbmdfY29ycHVzX21vc3RfcG9wdWxhcg%3D%3D" when "movies" params = "4gIKGgh0cmFpbGVycw%3D%3D" else # Default params = "" end client_config = region) initial_data = YoutubeAPI.browse("FEtrending", params: params, client_config: client_config) items, _ = extract_items(initial_data) extracted = [] of SearchItem deduplicate = items.size > 1 items.each do |itm| if itm.is_a?(Category) # Ignore the smaller categories, as they generally contain a sponsored # channel, which brings a lot of noise on the trending page. # See: next if (itm.contents.size < 24 && deduplicate) extracted.concat extract_category(itm) else extracted << itm end end # Deduplicate items before returning results return!(&.id), plid end