import isNodeJs from "detect-node"; import { PDFWorker } from "../dist/cache/worker"; import { PDFWorkerHelper } from "./worker-helper"; import { getFileUrl } from "./file"; import { ScoreInfo, SheetInfo, Dimensions } from "./scoreinfo"; import { fetchBuffer } from "./utils"; type _ExFn = ( imgURLs: string[], imgType: "svg" | "png", dimensions: Dimensions ) => Promise; const _exportPDFBrowser: _ExFn = async (imgURLs, imgType, dimensions) => { const worker = new PDFWorkerHelper(); const pdfArrayBuffer = await worker.generatePDF( imgURLs, imgType, dimensions.width, dimensions.height ); worker.terminate(); return pdfArrayBuffer; }; const _exportPDFNode: _ExFn = async (imgURLs, imgType, dimensions) => { const imgBufs = await Promise.all( => fetchBuffer(url))); const { generatePDF } = PDFWorker(); const pdfArrayBuffer = (await generatePDF( imgBufs, imgType, dimensions.width, dimensions.height )) as ArrayBuffer; return pdfArrayBuffer; }; export const exportPDF = async ( scoreinfo: ScoreInfo, sheet: SheetInfo, scoreUrl = "" ): Promise => { const imgType = sheet.imgType; const pageCount = sheet.pageCount; const rs = Array.from({ length: pageCount }).map((_, i) => { if (i === 0) { // The url to the first page is static. We don't need to use API to obtain it. return sheet.thumbnailUrl; } else { // obtain image urls using the API return getFileUrl(, "img", scoreUrl, i); } }); const sheetImgURLs = await Promise.all(rs); const args = [sheetImgURLs, imgType, sheet.dimensions] as const; if (!isNodeJs) { return _exportPDFBrowser(...args); } else { return _exportPDFNode(...args); } }; let pdfBlob: Blob; export const downloadPDF = async ( scoreinfo: ScoreInfo, sheet: SheetInfo, saveAs: typeof import("file-saver").saveAs ): Promise => { const name = scoreinfo.fileName; if (pdfBlob) { return saveAs(pdfBlob, `${name}.pdf`); } const pdfArrayBuffer = await exportPDF(scoreinfo, sheet); pdfBlob = new Blob([pdfArrayBuffer]); saveAs(pdfBlob, `${name}.pdf`); };