import "./meta"; import FileSaver from "file-saver"; import { waitForSheetLoaded } from "./utils"; import { downloadPDF } from "./pdf"; import { getFileUrl } from "./file"; import { BtnList, BtnAction, BtnListMode } from "./btn"; import { ScoreInfoInPage, SheetInfoInPage } from "./scoreinfo"; import i18nextInit, { i18next } from "./i18n/index"; import { isGmAvailable, _GM } from "./gm"; (async () => { await i18nextInit; })(); if (isGmAvailable("registerMenuCommand")) { // add buttons to the userscript manager menu _GM.registerMenuCommand( "** " + i18next.t("version", { version: }) + " **", () => _GM.openInTab( "", { active: true, } ) ); _GM.registerMenuCommand("** " + i18next.t("source_code") + " **", () => _GM.openInTab(, { active: true }) ); _GM.registerMenuCommand("** Discord **", () => _GM.openInTab("", { active: true }) ); } const { saveAs } = FileSaver; const main = (): void => { let isOfficial = false; new Promise(() => { const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { let noSub = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("#jmuse-scroller-component div") ).some((img: HTMLDivElement) => img.innerText.startsWith("End of preview") ); if (!noSub) { noSub = document.querySelector("#jmuse-scroller-component") ? false : true; } noSub = false; const scoreinfo = new ScoreInfoInPage(document); const btnList = new BtnList(); let indvPartBtn: HTMLButtonElement | null = null; const fallback = () => { // btns fallback to load from MSCZ file (`Individual Parts`) return indvPartBtn?.click(); }; if ( noSub && (document.querySelector( "meta[property='musescore:author'][content='Official Scores']" ) || document.querySelector( "meta[property='musescore:author'][content='Official Author']" )) ) { const btnOffList = new BtnList(); if (!isOfficial) { btnOffList.add({ name: i18next.t("download", { fileType: "PDF" }) + "\n(" + i18next.t("official_button") + ")", action: BtnAction.openUrl( "" ), tooltip: i18next.t("official_tooltip"), }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises btnOffList.commit(BtnListMode.InPage, 2); } } else { observer.disconnect(); if (isOfficial) { document .querySelector(".js-page")! .shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll("#\\31, #\\32") .forEach((e) => e.remove()); isOfficial = false; } btnList.add({ name: i18next.t("download", { fileType: "PDF", }), action: BtnAction.process( () => downloadPDF( scoreinfo, new SheetInfoInPage(document), saveAs ), fallback, 3 * 60 * 1000 /* 3min */ ), }); } if (!isOfficial) { isOfficial = true; btnList.add({ name: i18next.t("download", { fileType: "MIDI" }), action: () => getFileUrl(, "midi"), fallback, 30 * 1000 /* 30s */ ), }); btnList.add({ name: i18next.t("download", { fileType: "MP3" }), action: () => getFileUrl(, "mp3"), fallback, 30 * 1000 /* 30s */ ), }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises btnList.commit(BtnListMode.InPage, 1); } }); observer.observe( document.querySelector("#jmuse-scroller-component") ?? document, { childList: true, subtree: true, } ); }); }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises waitForSheetLoaded().then(main);