name: Publish new release on: schedule: - cron: "0 0 * * 0" workflow_dispatch: inputs: version: description: "The version number. default: the version number in package.json" required: false concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true env: VERSION: ${{ github.event.inputs.version }} NPM_TAG: latest REF: ${{ github.sha }} ARTIFACTS_DIR: ./.artifacts jobs: publish: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: ${{ env.REF }} - name: Check for new release run: | echo "updated=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV if [[ "$(npm show dl-librescore version)" != "$(node -p "require('./package.json').version")" ]]; then echo "updated=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi - uses: actions/setup-node@v2.4.1 if: env.updated == 'true' with: node-version: 16 registry-url: - name: Build userscript and command-line tool if: env.updated == 'true' run: | VER=$(node -p "require('./package.json').version") echo "VERSION=$VER" >> $GITHUB_ENV npm install npm version --allow-same-version --no-git-tag $VERSION npm run build npm run pack:ext - name: Publish command-line tool to NPM if: env.updated == 'true' run: npm publish --tag $NPM_TAG env: NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }} - name: Publish GitHub Release if: env.updated == 'true' env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} run: | mkdir -p $ARTIFACTS_DIR cp dist/main.user.js $ARTIFACTS_DIR/dl-librescore.user.js wget -q$REF.tar.gz -O $ARTIFACTS_DIR/source.tar.gz cd $ARTIFACTS_DIR rm *.tar.gz files=$(ls .) assets=() for f in $files; do [ -f "$f" ] && assets+=("$f"); done SHORT_SHA=$(echo $REF | cut -c 1-7) gh release create v$VERSION "${assets[@]}" --title v$VERSION --target $REF - name: Delete workflow run if: env.updated == 'false' run: | curl -s -i -u ${{ secrets.LIBRESCORE_USERNAME }}:${{ secrets.LIBRESCORE_TOKEN }} -d '{"event_type":"delete_action","client_payload":{"run_id":"'"${{ github.run_id }}"'","repo":"LibreScore/dl-librescore"}}' -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"