#!/bin/bash source "$WEBSITE_ROOT/common"; offline() { echo """HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-type: text/html Refresh: 10 X-Accel-Expires: 10 """; cat "$WEBSITE_ROOT/static/head.html"; sidebar; echo "LiBot is currently offline!
It is not possible to select the best shred for authorization. Please wait until it comes back before attempting to add it to your guild.
"; cat "$WEBSITE_ROOT/static/tail.html"; exit 0; } if bot_up; then bestid="$(get_prop 'BESTID')"; if [ -z $bestid ]; then offline; fi; url="https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=$bestid&scope=bot&permissions=3459136"; echo """HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Content-type: text/html Location: $url Not redirected? Click here"""; else offline; fi;